Term January- April 2011 recap

Alright, so tonight is the last night of the term and I am left here, jobless. I was thinking of watching a movie or something tonight, but as soon as I got into my room after House Makan, the feeling suddenly left me. So, here I am, writing something out just to pass my time.

Let’s do some sort of a quick recap of what happened throughout this term, shall we?

• Started out with sitting for my Edexcel exams, took my M2 and C4
• Cross country, my last time ever joining a compulsory long distance running event. I did way worse than last year. Guess the age is finally catching up with me, huh.
• After CNY break, went to Genting Highlands, a PTPI trip. It was a Sunday. Had so much fun with Sabrina, Hana, Afiqah, Danial Fitri, Ninie and Haziq. That was my first time visiting somewhere where the weather is colder than what I usually go through. Never knew Malaysia had can be that chilly. The best ride was the cyber shot or something. That ride literally made me felt as if I was jumping of a plane or something, dropping from such a high altitude was WOW!
• Two weeks later, I went to the KTJ 20th Anniversary Dinner in Legend Hotel, KL. The bus took us to KLCC first; there I got myself a new tie. Honestly, I don’t think the tie works very well with the shirt I’d worn that night, but never mind. Overall, the dinner was alright, though I wish they would have done it somewhere bigger given that the size of the hall was a bit packed. 
• Went to the Crossing Woodstock concert in the auditorium, not bad I must say. When was the last time I went to a rock concert?
• Watched Blood Brothers play. Agu and Saiful really did an awesome job playing out their role! It kinda made me miss the good old times when I acted before.
• My picture for this year’s school magazine portrait is better this year! Last year, my mouth was kinda ‘cacat’ for some reason when they took the photo; this year, I looked as if I saw a ghost in front of me! hahahaha
• Had my A2 trial exams. The results were mixed, quite good on one side, not so good on the other. I really need to work harder. I can honestly feel the desperation growing inside of me.
• Helped Bna and her friends with their stall during KTJ Battle of Composers. 
• Went to Warwick’s reception event with Tasnim, Afiq and Tracia. Afterwards, we had a fun time hanging out just the four of us, talking about random stuff. Not to mention, the taxi controversary Tracia had because when she called for the cab, it refused. But when Tasnim and I called the same cab, he agreed to pick us up, and both me and Tasnim only understood this when were on our way back.
• Went to British Council with Danial Fitri, Ikram, Kamirul and Ikram’s friend. ‘Lepak’ed in KLCC, went to a mamak, McD and KFC later that night. That was what a boys’ night out really like!
• Dressed up as a mafia during Mufti Day! Credits to Bukhari and DF for the vest and the shirt! Nice vest Bukh gave me, really was my size.
• Lilian and Liyana made cupcakes for our FP class every week. They seemed to like baking for friends, perhaps because of the joy of it. Lilian even brought ice-cream to class one day, which happened for some reasons I am not clear why. Just as long as I get to eat!

the rest as they say, is history...

And now, here we are, the final night of the term. I have no class tomorrow, so technically my term has already ended! Yeay! So that was it, another term ends. One more term left for me and the rest of my colleagues. As soon as each of us are done with our last papers, we are all bound to leave for home, so that makes this January- April term our final official term here in KTJ. 

I leave the rest to you…….


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