Open a new company

I've been watching way too much television these days. Ever since Top Chef All Stars was finished a week ago, I am now hooked to watching The Amazing Race and The Apprentice. I was not much of a fan of The Apprentice before this because I personally think that Mr Trump is a cold-hearted guy judging from the way he directs people and his character seen on the show. But now when I watch the show I began to understand why he was like that. He is a businessman, so it is perfectly reasonable for him to be strict when it comes down to business. Besides, who in the present world scenario would ever joke about money. Money makes the world go round, baby!

Back to the point. I had this crazy idea of starting a business of my own, or rather a joint one would also do, when my contract with my original company is over. But the thing is, I have no idea what sort of business that I should be involved into, until it suddenly occurred to me that since I have a few friends who are about to become Petroleum Engineers, maybe we could all come together and form our own energy-resource company! 

I am pretty confident that it would turn out to be profitable. The demand for energy resource is always high, especially now that the world is concerned about the ill-effects that we humans have inflicted upon nature, green energy is the way to go. With enough R&D, marketing strategy and relations, this might just come to work!

But heck, who am I kidding. To even start a new company would surely require a substantial amount of start-up capital; particularly for an energy company, we need to obtain the rights to produce in a country, we can't simply go and set-up our company anywhere we wish to. 

hahaha....but anyway, it still is a nice idea though. When you come to think of it, the bright side is, we can all get to work alongside people we've already known so well. The co-operation and trust are already established, unfortunately the dream is just too good to be true.

I leave the rest to you.......


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