Mid Valley: 4th April

My day in Mid.......

the pictures above are the pics of the Garden Life Store cafe that I just found out in Mid Valley. The first time I laid my eyes on them from the IT floor right above the cafe, I was practically astonished to see how stylish the design of the cafe was. I then decided to take Bna there to eat one day, though I don't know how the food there taste like, but at least the two of us can take some pretty pictures there! lol~


My first time dining in Chilli's!!! I went there with Amirul, since I ran into him in Mid, and also because today is his birthday, so I thought I'll hang out with him for a while to honor this special day of his. So this is what I ordered, a burger something2 Swiss I don't know. 

while these were some other food we had that day

I leave the rest to you.......


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