Questions for me...

QUESTION: All these years, all you ever learnt was science stuff, why did you choose to do Economics instead as soon as you finished your SPM? 

Truth be told, I was actually lost back then. The moment I got my SPM result and when everybody else was asking me what I would do after this, I was utterly speechless. I replied engineering to them instead, just for the sake of getting them off of me. I was lost, and I had nobody to neither guide nor advise me, I had to go through this all by myself. The only idea I had at that time was to go for something I’d enjoy doing since this decision will mean what I will be doing for the rest of my life.

A few things that I like to do:
Play games ( alright, so maybe this one’s not so related)
Challenge one’s opinion

I thought of going for engineering, the second option I had after I crossed out medicine since I have no particular interest in it, and also because the course takes too long to complete. Engineering sounds simple and straightforward at the time, until it suddenly occurred to me that there is another branch of science that I was neglecting, social science; sociology, journalism, economics, actuarial science and few others.

Then I tried Googling about International Relations. I was fascinated by it actually, unfortunately at that time; I was too young to really understand where this path is going to be like, I imagined it to have something to do with being a diplomat or something, which sounded pretty cool to me!

Finally I stumbled upon Economics when I was applying for BNM scholarship. I know nothing about it back then, but my research led me to understand that this is an analytical discipline, requiring the combination of both Maths and writing to interpret data, observations so that policies could be made to keep the economy growing blissfully in the future. That I could do. I love Maths, I can write too, and arguing opinions; hey, I’ve done that before many time, it’s not that hard; which was why I settled for Economics.

QUESTION: I think you would do well if do Accounting, considering that you’re good in Maths. Have you ever thought of taking Accounting?

When I was in form 4, I was given a choice to do either accounting or EST. Referring to my seniors’ records, those who took accounting usually came out excellent, but that’s not what I was aiming for. My goal was simple; to survive. That was it, I don’t have to be excellent, there are so many other brilliant minds out there, people whose smarter than me who deserves to be in that seat, not me.

People say that taking accounting can get you into the business world, thus you get a straight path to becoming rich! I disagree with that. Maybe there are big figures out there who made their way by doing so, but not that many to really convince me ( I am hard difficult to be convinced). From what I see in the local Malaysian scene for example, many of the successful businessmen, especially the Chinese didn’t do it that way, yet they are the ones who control the majority of the business scene here in Malaysia. The way I see it, if you really want to get rich, love what you doing and be really good at it, lastly be patient, good things always come to those who wait.

If you say doing accounting is just like doing maths, then again I disagree. There is this element of elegance which exists in maths, something my teacher once taught me in add maths. But when I looked at the works that my accounting friends did in form 5 they are not at all elegant. 

So yeah, no to accounting.

I leave the rest to you.......


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