Song of the week...
Yeap, you guessed it, we are still talking about my usual issue. It is getting pretty old talking about this actually, but truth is, when I almost thought that I am over it, it will be back to haunt me, especially nowadays when I am pretty scared to face my upcoming exam this Wednesday. It's just an MCQ exam, but hey it will be 25% for that module.
Why this song?: I thought of doing what mankind's good at, running away when they are scared, unfortunately I am unable to do so. I was held back by my feelings for her. Frankly speaking, I honestly do care about her, if only she could see that. Perhaps you could argue why do I care so much though I was warned that things like this could happen in the end, thus leaving all that I've ever did for her in vain, wasted just like that?
All I can say is this, I am in love with her. I am fully aware of the risks involved when we were together, and now I can truthfully say, I have no regrets, none whatsoever. At least I know now, how far can I go for the one I love. Never even knew I could care for someone that much.
I leave the rest to you.......
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