The talk tonight, what kept me awake?

Went to a talk later today in Malaysian Hall. To be honest, I was not planning to go in the first place. I thought of just simply lying in bed and read some articles in preparation for tomorrow or something like that. Besides, formal events like this one really isn't my scene. I just don't feel like I belong in places where people talk about big opportunities, business and all, not that I am not familiar with the topics and issues they are talking about, I do keep track of my reading, unfortunately there is something about all this formal events that get to my nerves somehow.

First of all, I didn't even know who that guy is. All I know is, he must be some Dato' otherwise this event will not take place in the first place. He works for Pricewaterhouse Coopers, yes that big, world renowned  accountancy firm. Second of all, I don't even know what the talk is going to be about. I must have missed the title when I clicked Attending on the Facebook event last night.

As it turned out, yeah it was an accountancy talk. Well, not specifically, but it is one of those corporate sharing sessions when the public relation officers come down and approach me, then they will start asking me about my goals in life while they share their own success stories as well as working experiences with me. Instead, tonight's speaker was not a public relation officer, this guy was the real deal. Besides, his style was unlike any other regular public relation officers I've encountered before. Trust me, these PR people do have a distinguishable way of expressing themselves.

Luckily what he talked about was pretty interesting, in the sense that he did touched on quite substantial developments back in Malaysia, such as the reform made in local financial sectors, GLC's and many more. But the most interesting part of the whole talk had to be the Q&A session. Sara asked about how political influences business run by GLC, and is there any way to separate the two. While Ameenah asked about his view on social businesses, then lastly Anisah stood up asking about Islamic finance.

Politics and business, those two entities are inseparable between one another. Not in the sense that the rulign party ought to have total control of businesses, especially owned by the government, but given the fact that GLC's are owned my the government itself, thus they have no choice but to take the government's vote just as any stakeholder's.

Social businesses, now that is a new term for myself. But as the term is named, it is not that hard to guess what it actually means. It is an idea written by Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Laureate winner of 2006. A business that is not just profit-driven, whereby the investment is purely to achieve one or more social objectives through the operation of the company. Or if I were to put it into my own words, a non-selfish company. It is a very noble idea, one which is plausibly achievable I could say. Guess big companies should look into their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy more in-depth nowadays. It is true though, big corporations do have a big role to be played to the society. Since they do actually exist in the first place to meet the demand of the consumers, while at the same time make profits out of it, but it is about time they contribute back to those of whom they regard as their loyal clients. This is indeed a brilliant notion worth thinking about, Ameenah.

Islamic finance. Well Malaysia is indeed looked up by the world as being one of the most dominant spearhead in this field. Since I do follow our BNM's Governor's speeches from time to time, it just so happened she did gave a speech on such topic last month. Try having a look at it here. It is one of the most talked about topic by our Governor other than the launch of the Financial Blueprint, new Ringgit money and not surprisingly talent development.

Uhuh, talent development. I like this subject particularly. I wish to elaborate more on it, perhaps in some other post, I suppose.

So, enough about tonight's talk. All in all, it was an okay talk. I was kept awake when the people I mentioned above asked about these topics. Their questions seemed to have initiated my brain to think a bit more, you know me, it is always good to have your own views on things, otherwise life would be dull. As my Stats lecturer always say, 'Always think about things, don't just simply take them as given!'

I leave the rest to you......


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