Hidup itu suatu anugerah...

This post is dedicated to Ikmal, my fellow active blogger.

Life is hard, we are presented with so many different decisions each day. Like it or not, we would always find ourselves standing right in the middle of a junction. We have no choice but to make a decision whether to go left or right. As much as we like to turn back, we are not allowed to do so because there are other cars waiting right behind us. But how do we know whether we are making the right choice or not? Truth is, we don't know and we might never know. Once we choose to go turn right, somewhere as we move along, we tend to hear voices of doubts whispering into our hearts, spreading the words of regret. Unfortunately, life does not have a rewind button, nor a fast forward. Thus there is no way in knowing where this road will take us to, nor do we have the chance to turn back to the time when we were still at the junction. Just as the river flows to the sea, so it goes, somethings are meant to be.

When I was at Clifton Suspension bridge in Bristol last month, Aqmin told me of a very simple yet significant metaphor about life. As we stood there on the bridge with the cold wind blowing into our faces, he said to me,' Cuba kau lihat kereta yang sedang menghampiri kita itu. Lihat betul-betul. Nah, kereta itu sudah pun berlalu pergi. Begitulah hakikat kehidupan, kita telah dilimpahi pelbagai nikmat dan peluang, namun semua itu ibarat kereta yang melintasi kita tadi, ianya kadangkala datang begitu cepat sekali tanpa kita sedari sehinggalah ianya hilang daripada pandangan kita.'

As cheesy as he might have sounded, he was right. Our life is full of opportunities and blessings that we most of the times take for granted, until they are taken away from us. It's not that we are ungrateful beings, but having caught up with our daily life, we tend to overlook the smallest of deeds, thus we missed the minute details. Hence, we should be first be thankful that we are still alive today. We get to wake up and live for yet another day, which means a second chance for us to improve ourselves and to make right of what wrong we previously did the day before if possible.

Secondly, just as the cars will soon pass us by, so does our opportunities in life. So why not take a chance, dare yourself to be a little bit courageous and endure bigger risks. I am not asking you to leap without looking down, you are smart enough to know that. Challenge yourself to be a better person, to change in becoming a better man for example. It may be difficult in the beginning, but if you persevere, the end result would make you want to smile. Grab an opportunity when you see one coming by, since you never know when will another golden opportunity like this will come your way once more.

Hidup itu suatu anugerah yang amat bermakna, kurniaan tak terhitung nilainya daripada Tuhan Yang Esa. So use it wisely.

I leave the rest to you.......


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