Syria: 3 Years On event; my take on it

What I thought of the Syria: 3 Years On event that I went to last night?
It was brilliant!

The long answer:
Both speakers were great.

The first speaker really managed to travel the audience all the way to Syria with his stories, especially the one with the prison-borned boy who did not stopped crying. His sharing of the background of the Syrian conflict was very eye-opening since many of us (including the writer himself) were unaware of.

Next, the second speaker stroke to the heart with his first-hand experience being there in Syria. With the aid of a couple of videos, he gave us an exclusive insight on the condition of Syrian children; though they were heavily traumatised by the horrors of war and the air of death, they kept on being in school to study. Things got even more emotional the kids shared their ambitions in the video; they never seemed to lose hope, albeit their sufferings, they kept holding on, with their faith in Allah unshaken that the chaos that has clouded their land for so long will soon end. InshaAllah.

The auction.
Now this was when things really got exciting!
If one did not know any better, you might think that having an auction may not bring in much money for charity. Well you're wrong.

A hand-made Syrian flag cake and a hand-made scarf, authentically made by the Syrian people were each sold for over 200 pounds. Impressed yet? I know I was. (Frankly though, the writer was pretty much adrift during the auction. He was pretty occupied matching the items with how appealing they might be to the audiences. He tried gauging how much would the audience value a particular item.)

Finally, there was the singer.
Faizal Tahir. Well, what can I say, he is a good singer. He performed a couple of songs:

  1. Anti-graviti; his hit song from last year (the writer recognised it as he was quite a keen observer of the entertainment industry)
  2. Gemuruh
All in all, it was a very exciting event. Very gauging and informative. On top of it all, the organisers managed to raise a large sum of money for Syria. 

Let us all pray that God have mercy on our fellow brothers and sisters in Syria. Give them strength and the courage to stand firm in the face of injustice. May they not falter in the evil face of tyranny. And let us also pray that the Almighty would keep us safe from the disease of ignorance that has been plaguing the modern world. We pray to you, o Allah. Amin.

Betapa hinanya kami,
Mengingati-Mu hanya ketika sukar, 
Di kala derita,
Tersungkur ke bumi.

Saudara kami.

Kurniakan saudaraku,

Suara hati kami, wahai Pemilik.


I leave the rest to You.......  


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