Last Friday's dream: Bini Afiq Walid? What?

The mosque was already packed by the time I got there. Luckily enough, as I was beginning to feel scared that I will not be able to find a place for myself, i spotted an empty space near the shoe rack. What the heck, it's just for an hour at most, so I went straight at it. 

For some strange reason, I did not feel sleepy during this week's Friday sermon. Weird, I do feel tired from all those work, but somehow my body was not tired enough to make me feel sleepy. 

The Khatib went on the mihrab, with his cane, as usual and thus the sermon began. He spoke of tests, about how Allah tests us all with things to test our faith in Him. The Khatib gave an example of a guy who recently lost his wife. Then it suddenly occurred to me. Wait, isn't that guy is Afiq Walid? His wife just passed away nearly a month ago, I recalled. Sadly, I cannot really remember the exact detail of her passing, I just knew that she is no more, that was all. 

I was sad for the guy. He was a very good guy, in fact he was one of my trusted friends. It's a shame what happened to his wife. 

As the Khatib went on to elaborate on how we Muslims are supposed to face the obstacles and tests set out by Allah, I began to feel bored and decided to head back home to get something eat. 

That was when I finally woke up. As I glanced to my phone, checking my schedule for the day, I suddenly realised, oh no, today is a Friday! I scrolled down my notification tab to see what messages or emails that I missed while I was asleep, and I saw a Facebook notification for a Walimatul Urus! Oh no! That's two signs right there! What is happening????

Ok, maybe that was a sign that I need to tone down my sleep a little bit. Haish. What an odd dream to have, especially when I am feeling rather stressed lately. Nauzubillah, mintak jauh...Afiq Walid baik orangnya kowt. Bayangkan betapa sedihnya andai perkara seperti itu betul-betul terjadi. 

I leave the rest to you.......
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