Going to graduation? Macam tak aje...

So the graduation date has already been announced recently, mine is in early September. SIgh-
Well that sure complicates things, now doesn't it? 

I can't help but to think of the cost, after crunching some numbers, they all add up to be pretty big, leaving me speechless. I have no idea where are we to fork out the money from, because as far as I am concerned, they are no longer in four figures right now. I may have done some approximations in my cost calculation, but the overall picture thus far is not looking good.

If cost is not concerning enough, then there is an issue of timing. The initial plan was to get a job, then take a leave to attend graduation. Unfortunately, the date of my graduation seems to overlap my pre-employment program. Yeay. So this means that it's I either: A) attend my graduation, take few nice picture, then be unemployed for another month, which makes it a total of 3 months of doing just nothing, or B) just skip graduation altogether and get a job. 

If it were up to just me, I personally prefer B rather A. I mean, the cost is too exorbitantly high, not just for me, but for my family as well, Plus, given how things are back at home, I don't think it is wise for us to waste money just to take a few photos, and let us not forget that each graduation ticket costs 35 pounds! To pay that amount of money, just for pictures is quite absurd if you ask me. 

Unfortunately, this is not just about me. It is about my family too. Much recon work made me understand that my mom really wanted to see me graduate. She wants to see me in that graduation gown, walking up on stage receiving that scroll. It's a sentimental value kind of thing, and I respect that. Even a few of my friends have been going to the gym this year just so that when the time comes, they'll look in a suit. Some people likes that sort of a thing, I get that. 

And so, I am left in a very tight position. Not to mention, the shipping company that I wanted is no longer in service, haish. Maybe it's about time I take heed of my dad's advice when I asked for his opinion. As always, he told me to choose for myself. he'll not veto me or anything (just like old times huh), also, he recommended that I perform Istikarah. Maybe I should. 

I leave the rest to you.......
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