The story of guy J

 A couple of days ago a friend of mine told me that. It came about when he told me the story about a friend of his who he admired so much. For the purpose of this story, let us refer to him as J for simplicity.

J is a very outgoing guy. He has a way with people that help him to naturally blend in with people. That is what makes him special. If you don’t believe me, try asking him where he lives now and with whom, he’ll then tell you that he rents a room with some random couple he barely even knew in his entire life. Impressed yet? He gives out this vibe, or an aura so to speak that makes people around him feel at ease with his presence. The fact that he is able to do so without having to be loud is a mastery feat to be respected.

Isn’t it amazing to know someone like that? Someone with the guts to just jump into a crowd of strangers and after a few minutes, he’ll get along with them just fine. How many of us can confidently say that he/she can be like J? I know I can’t.

By now some of you might already like the idea of being like J; I mean, why not take J as an example and follow his footsteps? Besides, as the saying goes, ‘buang yang keruh, ambil yang jernih’ which basically epitomizes the traits of staying positive. Great, so now that we know a guy like J, we can all aspire to be like him. Wouldn’t that make this world a better place? Of course it will!

Then the world will be like how John Lennon had always wanted it to be in, Imagine. Isn’t that cool?

I wish I could be like that, but I can’t. Not that that I haven’t tried, but I just don’t feel like it’s my thing. Just as Tom Cruise said in Jack Reacher,

Sandy: Who are you, mister? Really?
Jack Reacher: [Sandy gives him a key] I'm just a guy who wants to be left alone.

Why? It’s because I have nothing better to do.

I leave the rest to you……


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