What a Raya

From Evernote:

Note @ Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur

This is Alisyah, she is my cousin from my dad's side of the family. She is about two years old. The two of us have never been close or anything, but this Raya things turned out to be different.

In the photo below, you'll see how close the two of us were last Raya. Perhaps it was the fact that early this year, her parents had a new addition to the family, hence she now gets less the attention she used to.

Together with the fact that she do not really fit in well with her elder sisters, maybe that was why she turned to me.

That was my theory at least.

When me and my family went to ziarah our relatives, she suddenly came and looked me in the face, asking me to hold her hand to bring her along. Thus with her we went. Her parents were not with us, so in the most houses we went to, when they saw me holding her, they thought she was my daughter! Lol. Rilek brader.

She was so attached to me that when I went to 7 Eleven with my brother, she burst into tears, perhaps she thought that I was leaving her. Haha. It's amazing how the mind of children works. I will surely be missing her.

Well, that was not the only interesting thing that took place during Raya this year. The other funny incident which happened during the 2nd day of Raya when me and my family headed off to KT. All was well, the journey was all smooth, thank God. Sadly, when the time came for us to get ready for Friday prayer, as I headed to our cars, looking for my jubah, I realised that my bag was not there! Then it suddenly occurred to me, I did not see my bag being brought down to the cars earlier that day!

I left my bag in Kemaman, when I was in KT! So, I was left all sehelai sepinggang. Luckily enough, there was a new Giant super store in Gong Badak, yeay I'm saved! So much for me not wanting to buy any baju raya huh. Two t-shirts and a pair of shorts were my baju raya this year. LOL me.
I really must say, this was the first time such a thing ever happened to us. In the years we balik kampong from KL-Kemaman, Kemaman-KT, we never encountered such an incident.

I leave the rest to you.......


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