Distractions< passion

A friend of mine asked me last night,' I am having a bit of a trouble trying to focus on getting this task done, what do you suggest I do? Should I try to force myself and finish it tonight, or should I take a short break?'.

Here's what I told him: If this task is important to you, then I suggest you to take a time out. Because things which you regard as being important to you always have a way to remind you, take your family for example. Sometimes you are so caught up with your work that you have no time to actually give them ring, but that does not mean that your love for them is at all diminished. At times, when you are about to close your eyes at night, your mind will start to ponder about them  how are they doing, or it could be that in the weekend, as you are sitting down in a cafe sipping your coffee all by yourself (like I am right now), you suddenly felt the urge to phone them. So you see, do not be afraid that by distracting yourself and doing other things, your heart would soon forget about the task you were initially on, because IF it is important to you, it'll soon come back to you, trust me.

Do not ask me why the heck did I answered him the way I did. I honestly know not of the reason why I did so. It was the first thing which came up to my mind, and without giving it much thought, it just blurted out of my mouth just like that. I am just glad that it actually made sense, otherwise I would just end up making a complete fool out of myself.

Which got me thinking, what I said really does makes sense, doesn't it? Given the infamous social myth we hear nowadays, that women fare better at multitasking than men, there may be some truth in the things I spoke of. IF the claim is true (in which a recent study: Multitasking; productivity effects and gender differences by Thomas Buser and Noemi Peter (2011) proved to be not true), then one might say that men tends to suffer from tunnel vision, which in the field of psychology refers to as having a narrow or exclusive vision on a particular action or even emotion. Or to put in a much simpler words, you could say that men a bit too focused when they are on something which makes them negligent of other things taking place all around them.

But then again, all in all, it is your passion which would determine how much you are willing to work on a particular task, or at times, to work for a particular someone. Make it as your priority, learn to love it, then no matter how busy you are, or where ever you end up being at, you'll never forget your one true mission. So you can now rest easy since you know, distractions do not really work when you actually have passion in doing something (a little something I saw from my Economics of Development lecturer from MIT), you will always find your way back home.

I leave the rest to you.......


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