
Showing posts from December, 2012

Random #22

      " A certain shopkeeper sent his son to learn about the secret of happiness from the wisest man in the world. The lad wandered through the desert for forty days, and finally came upon a beautiful castle, high atop a mountain. It was there that the wise man lived.       "Rather than finding a saintly man, though, our hero, on entering the main room of the castle, saw a hive of activity: tradesmen came and went, people were conversing in the corners, a small orchestra was playing soft music, and there was a table covered with platters of the most delicious food in that part of the world. The wise man conversed with everyone, and the boy had to wait for two hours before it was his turn to be given the man's attention.       "The wise man listened attentively to the boy's explanation of why he had come, but told him that he didn't have time just then to explain the secret of happiness. He suggested that the boy look around the pa...

Christmas time

Happy December 25 th everyone! What a boring day, since there aren’t any public transport that operates on this day, we are left here to rot in our homes with pretty much nothing to do. Oh how I wish for a game of cards or anything at all. All I did was to watch Kungfu Panda 2, and that was pretty much it, for now at least. Things have been pretty frustrating lately, especially with the Internet. For some strange unexplained reason, our broadband seemed to have slowed down eversince we got back from our trip to Amsterdam last week. I have tried almost everything from changing the router, the ADSL cable, as well as the ADSL filter. Heck, I even tried giving the Virgin Media guy a ring yesterday evening, just in case if he could assist me or anything, unfortunately, I was dead wrong. To say that he was not at all helpful might be a bit exaggerating, I’m pretty sure he’s done all he could through the phone. In the end, I am left where I started, with tremendously sluggish Internet ...

Unplanned trip to the Netherlands

You know how in the previous post I mentioned how nice it would have been if me and my housemates' initial plan to go on a trip so spontaneous, like The Amazing Race spontaneous? Yeah, I got something close to that. On Monday evening as we were so caught up browsing the Net, all of a sudden Munir suggested that we head to Amsterdam, and things went from there. We started looking for affordable flight tickets as well as our accommodation there. Afterwards, we left for the airport straight away that same night to catch our early flight out the next day. To be honest, we did not even know what we were going to do in Amsterdam until we actually arrived at Costa cafe in Stansted that night. The four of us brought out our phones and began to search for more info for our trip. Finally it was decided! We were going to go to the rural part of Holland before we indulge the urban are of it. So we planned to go to Zaanse Schans which is a bit to the North of Amsterdam to see the windmi...

Happy hols, ya!

Ah finally, it’s the time we have all been waiting for, the winter holidays! Ten weeks of school have finally come to an end. Wow, those grueling ten weeks were very hardcore with never-ending works and responsibilities. To be really honest with you, this year’s first term went by much quicker than last year’s for some strange reason. Well maybe because this time around I get to enjoy myself more, having my own place to stay as well as having a very supportive ‘bestfriend’ alongside of me. And at the moment, for the first three days of my winter holiday I am pretty much jobless. I have done pretty much nothing for the past few days other than playing games, eat, sleep then more game. I played so much that my favourite gun is now up to level 30! Well, at first I was playing so much because I wanted to level up and get the ACR rifle since I’ve been shot so many times using that particular gun, but when I finally got the gun, it turned out to be quite a disappointment! Well maybe it...

Distractions< passion

A friend of mine asked me last night,' I am having a bit of a trouble trying to focus on getting this task done, what do you suggest I do? Should I try to force myself and finish it tonight, or should I take a short break?'. Here's what I told him: If this task is important to you, then I suggest you to take a time out. Because things which you regard as being important to you always have a way to remind you, take your family for example. Sometimes you are so caught up with your work that you have no time to actually give them ring, but that does not mean that your love for them is at all diminished. At times, when you are about to close your eyes at night, your mind will start to ponder about them  how are they doing, or it could be that in the weekend, as you are sitting down in a cafe sipping your coffee all by yourself (like I am right now), you suddenly felt the urge to phone them. So you see, do not be afraid that by distracting yourself and doing other things, your...


Last Friday night, me with the rest of  my hosuemates went to the Imperial College orchestra concert courtesy of Kima. She is Hasan's neighbour and they are quite close, we even got the invitation because of her. If it was not for her, we would not even know about it in the first place. Frankly speaking, we are not exactly much of a music lover; personally, the last orchestra performance was in KTJ a couple of years ago. It was fun! Yes, it was a bit lengthy, but I reckon that must be because it has been way too long since I last stepped foot in a performance of such scale. They played so beautifully that even when I did not know the songs, they managed to bring me back in time. I know that this may sound ridiculous to all of you, but I had a vision when I heard them play. It is almost as if I could see myself inside that dream I had in Birmingham last year, my days in SAS, and a few more. So beautiful indeed. I was completely lost. Thanks so much to Kima for having us over! ...