Song of the week

Why I like this song?: Last Wednesday night, as we got home from terawih, I spent some time with my family in front of the tele when this movie was on. I am not a big fan of Malay movies much, not because I look down on them, but they do have quite a high tendency to be repetitive in terms of their plots. But that night, for some strange reason I was too lazy to actually care, so I watched the entire movie until the end while chatting with my family. Oh, did I mentioned that the whole of my dad's family was here that night? Yeah, they came all the way from Kemaman the day before because my aunt was diagnosed with cancer and was referred to HKL for further check-up; but hat is an entirely different story altogether, so let's save that for a bit later.

Back to the song~ Yes, the movie really got to me, that I looked up on the Net for it the net day. And yes, as expected I downloaded it and re-watched it last night. I like this song very much, because it's sad. Not that it applies to me whatsoever. It just made me feel sad thinking about someone losing the one they love. Also, I liked how they applied the theme of family love in the movie too. How a man who was once a gangster turned into a decent guy who cares for his mother (actually it was more of a sense of guilt, because it's his fault that his mom got a stroke, but still).


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