Coronation of new Agong

Yesterday morning as I was staying up late waiting for Subuh at 4 am, I saw a post from Kak Farrah on my FB news feed about the Coronation Ceremony of Malaysia's 14th King streaming live on the internet. I quickly clicked the link and ended up watching the whole ceremony till the end. It was a traditional event which marked a significant part of Malaysian history.

I am so sorry if I sound like some sort of a tradition freak, but I really can't help myself from feeling so proud as I laid eyes on the event. First of all, such an event only happens every five years, so only God knows if I will still be alive to watch the next King of Malaysia to carry the crown. Besides, if you are to know the ceremony well, from the moment the procession stepped inside the Balairong Seri up until the shooting of the cannons marking the end of the ceremony, you'll begin to appreciate and admire every single minute of it. 

There you, another page written inside Malaysia's history. A remarkable event showcasing our cultural heritage. 

Daulat Tuanku.

If I may say so, may God bless Malaysia. If American presidents can end their speech with that quote, why can't we? Sorry, it's just one of the many things I admire about them when I watch them giving their speeches every now and then.

When I was a small boy, I have always dreamed that I will someday become one of those people I see in the television, attending big events such as this. As the ceremony ended yesterday, I told myself that one day I will be there. One day, I will be like one of those honorable guests, personally receiving a royal invitation from the palace. 

Sounds pretty silly, don't you think so? But it is not impossible, trust me. I will get there some day.You can call me a fool for having thought of such a stupidly unrealistic goal, but isn't that what dreams are meant to be? Just like when I once wanted to take the International Relation course before I joined BNM. Just because I am doing Economics right now, that does not mean that it is dead. Who knows, maybe one day I might be able to do something similar to that or so.

I leave the rest to you.......


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