
Last night right after I got back from playing squash with my friends I ran into a very interesting article on introversion. I was not in a mood to read anything serious at the time, but I was somehow intrigued by the topic of introversion since I rarely come across it much these days especially when most of the things you read are closely related to the financial world. 

Everybody knows what an introvert is, an individual who is more inclined to being left alone, who prefers peace and quiet rather than to go out to the bar and hang around. I do agree with the writer, the world we are living in right seems to put a much higher value on extroverts as they are believed to make better leaders. This is attributed by the fact that nowadays people likes to work with doers rather than thinkers. Fair enough, if one is a huge fan of 'actions speak louder than words', then yes, by all means, extroverts are amazing people. But that does not mean introverts are any less incredible. 

Just because introverts spend most of their times contemplating themselves that does not mean they are incapable of extraordinary feats too. In fact, a good leader is not merely judged by the course of actions they take while in power, but also on how those decisions are made. Nobody likes to have a leader who makes rash calls as it poses a threat of overlooking certain aspects thus affecting the final consequences. This is where introverts come into the picture,  contrary to popular opinion, introverts are not necessarily shy or anti-social, they just prefer environments that are not over-stimulating and get their energy from quiet time and reflection. Heck, Barrack Obama considers himself to be an introvert too, as well as Mahatma Gandhi.

Years ago, people seemed to value characters, but as soon as the Industrial Revolution came into the picture followed by the tremendously influential business sectors, people turned their way to personalities instead. There is absolutely nothing wrong whether you are an extrovert or an introvert, but what actually matters is how you direct yourself and fit in into this world. Frankly speaking, the main difference between these two is their driving factors, and is it. 

People are too quick to judge, that is by far the root of the matter. Give people a chance to prove themselves, and lets not force them to work in our way, but instead give them the opportunity to make things work the way they see fit. Besides, humans are unique between one to the other, so by right there must be a variety of solutions to a particular problem. The only problem is, we are looking at it with one of our eyes closed.

I leave the rest to you.......


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