People jump and hope to God they can fly....

Mourn the lost, let them not be forgotten. People come and go everyday, but that does not mean when one is lost, you would never see them ever again. The world is a small place to be, faced with the fact of how life can be so full of surprises, we can never tell what the future has in store for us.

At this point, there is absolutely nothing that I can do. What's done is done, and yes it is all my fault. I'm beginning to think that I am just not meant for relationships. Like Isky said, 'you could do all the right things,and still end up being screwed in the end.' Hence one could argue, why bother trying in the first place?

Well the answer is simple, that is just humans are. We jump and to hope to God that we can fly; the genesis of invention and creativity it originated from people who thinks in such ways. Absurd as they may seemed to be in the eyes of people who lived in their times, thanks to them, infamous names like Wright brothers, Newton, and even the late Steve Jobs, we are now able to live our lives better than our forefathers did in the past, and it all began with a spark of imagination followed with the courage to turn them into reality.

That is what turned them into who they are, it's their courage to follow their dreams which allowed them to succeed. Yes they did run into a few bumps along the way, as well as received criticisms from others, but that did not shatter their hopes of one day inventing something which would alter the way people live.

To let yourself to fall in love with someone is no less risky that that, well maybe it might not sound as noble as what these people did, but it does matter to me, and that is what counts most. I believe in it, so I went for it. Though I knew that I am risking my heart to be crushed, feelings hurt, yet I still did it, why? Because each time I took that plunge, deep in my heart I had faith that it will work out, me and her, we could we work out.

Unfortunately, I was wrong. Again, I made a mistake. Time and time again, I will do something stupid and mess the whole thing up. I guess some people just never learn from their mistakes, or rather that may as well be a sign that I am unfit to be who I want myself to be just yet.

Unfit? I've tried this for years, when will I ever be deemed fit then?

Maybe I haven't tried hard enough. I just need to be a better man. What sort of a 'better' man should I turn into? That I have no idea of, perhaps I will just have to figure that one out on my own from now on end.

I have done wrong once more, so here I am, to suffer what I've brought upon my own self. She was right, this is none of her fault, I've done this to myself.

My only regret is to have come into her life and to the rest of the people I've hurt all my life. May God have mercy on my soul.

I leave the rest to you.......


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