1st Lecture, tomorrow~

Tomorrow is going to be my first lecture in UCL. I can't really tell you how I feel about that actually. I am both excited and nervous at the same time. Excited as this marks the beginning of my new life as university student, bidding forever farewell to my old life as a school student forced to wear a uniform to classes. No more rules as to when I must go to bed, forced to attend events most of which I have no interest in whatsoever. I've had enough of all that, in fact I'd spent the last 5+2 years of my youth living in boarding schools. Goodbye to all of that~

But at the same time, I am feeling a bit anxious to know how I'd do in my first lecture. Will I be able to handle it, or will I face with issues in dealing with transition between these two distinctive lives? I dare not say that I am prepared for this, time will determine that for me instead, in fact there may not be much left that me myself am capable of doing to change anything at present. All I could now is just wait and see.

Do I miss my family?

Yeah, I do actually. Quite a lot too. Now that my mom has a smartphone, I could easily send her an SMS via Viber for free, even called her a few times using Viber. It is so amazing how Skype and Viber, those VOIP technologies seem to be very valuable now that I live far way from them. Unlike back when I was in Malaysia, I rarely use them very much, thinking that they seemed not to be of much practical use, but that was then.

One other person I miss the most is none other than the love of my life, Sabrina. I miss her soooo much. Though we are still in touch, but I can no longer call her on the phone at night, go out with each other sometimes, nor can I go to the library and study with her. No more lunches together, dinner as well. It does feel empty, for sure. I long to feel her presence anywhere near me; there was this one time when I woke up from bed, I swore that I felt like being in London was just a dream that just ended and now that I am awake, I am home, finally. Unfortunately those were mere illusions playing inside of my head. Oh how I wish that was real, then I can be home and spend my time with the 3 people I miss the most right now.

I'll leave you guys with one of fav songs

I leave the rest to you.......


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