Results, awaiting

My results are due in a week’s time, maybe less than that since it is already Saturday. Am I scared? Yes, surely I am, I mean who doesn’t when this exam is going to determine where my classmates and I would end up being.

Being a scholar, there is an immense amount of pressure put on top my head. My grades are always being carefully monitored by the Human Resource department, and should they find it unsatisfactory, harsh actions could be taken on me. All of my actions are subject to their liking, and they have all the rights to do so since I am by right an investment of theirs. Besides that, I can only apply to the top 10 universities so I have not much of free choices in that. My academic life doesn’t sound too interesting, does it? Don’t get me wrong though, maybe all those things made it sound like it is strict, no room for error in my studies situation, but all in all, they are all there for a reason to push me into further developing myself to go even further.

Scared I am to wait for my result to come out. I literally have my neck on the line this time around. It can happen in three distinct ways:

  1. I get a good result, so no worries. Everything’s going to fall into place just the way it’s supposed to be and I will spend the next three years of my study in UCL.
  2. My result is not so good, but still I’m lucky enough to make it into Nottingham. Which frankly speaking is not a bad idea at all since I’ve spent the last few days going through its prospectus, just in case. It’s a campus university, what not to love about that? It’s going to be just like the university life back at home in Malaysia!
  3. God forbid, the worst outcome, I totally flunked it.

So you see, to wait for this coming Thursday to come is not going to be easy. Making it worse, I am a bit traumatised still with what happened with my Geo paper both in August and November last year. It was hard-breaking, devastating. The risks are there, the stakes are higher than ever this time around, all is done and over with, the only thing left to do is pray to God and hope for the best. God help us all.

Live your life today to its fullest and enjoy God’s blessings upon you. Don’t worry too much about tomorrow, that can wait one more day.- Sabrina

I leave the rest to you…….


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