Done with A-levels!!

Finally, here I am, finished with my A-levels. The last three days was surely very tiring indeed, having to force myself to hit the books and notes while everybody else around me is busily talking about their holiday plans, playing games and so much more. As of this very moment, I am officially allowed to do all those things as well, hooray!!!

Am I going to miss this place? Well the memories I've had here were priceless. It's ironic that I don't think I missed being in SAS as much as I am going to miss this place of which I spent only a couple of years being here. I've met a lot of new interesting people from all over the world and dealt with a whole lot of situations. I can honestly say that the two years I've been here really changed me into becoming a more matured person. My 'guru' once taught me that the only time wasted is the time when you learn nothing to make yourself mature of the ways of the world, which is very true. It is a waste if you find yourself stranded here in KTJ for two years and by the time you're done with it, you came out exactly the same person.

That's what I like about travelling to places. Yes it is hard to cope with at first, but as time passes, you'll eventually learn the tricks and trades and get used to it.

What you think of A-levels? - It is tough, more than SPM if I may say so. Yes there are only four subjects that you can take up at max, but the burden of having to cram all those knowledge in two year's time, and to add to that the highly demanding exam questions way offsets it all.

If you're given a chance, would you rather do your A-levels somewhere else?- If I was presented with such a choice a couple of years ago, perhaps I would have taken it. I mean, who would in their right mind choose to be in a place where nobody's hardly ever heard of? But if I'd made that choice, then I was a fool. Sure, this place is not perfect with its location, uniform, rules and many more, but take my words for it, this place is exactly the place for you to do your A-levels. To me, this might as well be a perfect place to prepare one self to face the world out there, given that you have the guts and courage to go through it all.

You sound rather pleased with your memories here, if it's possible, would you go through all of it the second time?- Hahaha. This may sound stupid of me, but yes sure, I'll do it all over again. All my life, I've always wasted the chances that I get, so if one comes in my way, sure I'll take it. This time I'll do better, promise!

I leave the rest to you.......


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