The smalls make the big looks even bigger

When was the last time a miracle happened to you? If you are to answer this with a ‘no’, then sadly you are an ungrateful person. A miracle does not have to be when you win the lottery nor does it only occur when you get the impossible wish you have been dreaming for ages, it is all around us as we speak right now.

Take a closer look, go ahead. Take a good look around you.

Every little thing that we do each day is bound to make this world we’re living in a better place. The small details that we tend to miss out; those are what actually help shape our lives. Unfortunately, many of us, myself included, seemed to take things for granted. Our eyes only see what we want to see, which is why we only appreciate certain things in life. We say our thanks when someone lends us a hand, or when we got a present from our friend, but about our friends who’s always there for us all the time, sticking up for us in both good and bad times? Maybe we don’t have to say it out loud, it’s more than enough to acknowledge their presence, and treat them well for what they have done for us all these while.

Got a few good luck wishes few days back. It really meant a lot to me. Thank you so much. I could really use one of those right now. Honestly, things are getting stressed out right now. I can certainly feel the pressure growing inside of me. There is that and some few other things that needs to be settled with as well.

As my days here are approaching its end, I can’t help but to look back and ask myself, how much has my time being here changed me? Have I finally grown up to be the mature guy, all ready and geared up to be out there in a foreign land all by myself?

I leave the rest to you……. 


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