Warwick Reception

I went to Warwick Offer Holders' Reception yesterday with Tasnim, Afiq and Tracia. It was nothing much, just a presentation, then most of it were Q&A session. People were asking mostly about accommodation, budget, living expenses and many others. Frankly speaking, I had not much a business being there in the first place since I am not considering Warwick's offer because it is too high, while Tasnim and Afiq were only there to make up their minds of picking either Warwick or LSE. Tracia was the only one among us four who actually had a solid reason of coming yesterday this is her firm choice. Lucky for her as well when she ran into a girl doing Economics from Taylor's who turned out to be a BNM scholar as well! I can't quite remember her name, but both me and Afiq initially thought that the girl was a Malay, until we met her Chinese mom. So, Tracia exhange contact info with her, and since the two of them have the same firm and insurance choices who knows, they might end up becoming roommates when we go there soon.

All in all, the talk really opened up my mind to actually do a thorough research about UCL. Last night, as soon as I finished my prep, I immediately begin to look up for my accommmodation in UCL. I am thinking of applying for one of the student houses, specifically Arthur Tattersall house.

I was also looking at Astor College hall and Schafer as well. All three of them are not so far away from UCL main campus, which is one of main concern. Well that is not completely true actually, my main concern is more towards the size and whether I'm gonna have a roommate or I get a single room; privacy issue. Not to mention, I seem to be interested when it was mentioned one of these houses has a fridge in them! Bicycle rack  appeals to me as well since I'd always had this dream of going cycling and jogging overseas where the climate is hot and humid as it is in Malaysia.

At present, I am kinda worried thinking who would wanna go to UCL with me from KTJ. My fellow BNM Econs members are still waiting for their LSE offers, guess they would rather go for LSE instead, leaving me all alone in UCL! Perhaps that's a sign that it is time for me to start my life anew in a distant place, away from all who knows me.

I leave the rest to you.......


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