
This is for you, my love

Well hello there. Fancy seeing you here.  I must admit, I have been lazy. Haven't updated this blog of mine for one whole year, it is about time I do so. Hence, to mark this special occasion, it is only fitting that I dedicate this post to someone who is dear to me. You know what they say, 'always have a grand entrance, enter with a bang!'.  You've left your mark in my heart. A very deep too. Every time I send you off to the airport, my hearts sinks.  I get so restless waiting to hear that your plane has safely landed, and you managed to grab a cab to your destination. Oh, and I hope you have enough Chipsmore to keep you company while you flip through those notes and books.  I am eternally grateful for the much given opportunity by You for opening her hearts and let me in. As it turns out, I am the fool who was too dumb to realise what has been staring me right in the eyes all these while.  But nevertheless, I ...

So much frustration...

My degree finally arrived today. Yeay~  Do I sound excited enough for you? How fun... It does not change anything, my results is still low. If it is any help, it only enables me to prepare my documentations for work soon.  I am still very frustrated with myself.  In retrospect, if it was possible for me to foresee this result that I got, perhaps it would be better for me to allocate less time to worry about my studies and enjoy myself a lot more. To be honest, throughout the whole year, this was all I can think of, yet take a look at where I am now, miserable and numb.  No use to fret on spilled milk, huh.    This is what you get when you do what you love instead of what you are good at, people!  Listen to me, if a good and bright future is what you want, then DON'T, under any circumstances, EVER DO/ THINK about what you like. ONLY do what you are good at. Because at the end of the day, values such as passion and interest ...

Summarise your uni life in a word....

So what does three years in uni taught me?  If I were to sum it up in just one word, it will be this word, 'Intuition'. Why? To start off, that is the word that I kept hearing every year without fail. Sure, we all know the meaning of 'intuition' but what exactly was this 'intuition' my lecturers kept telling us about? That was how I felt during the first couple of years in UCL. At the time, for all I know, this 'intuition' was the understanding of the concepts and theories, that was it. I was pretty much shooting in the dark during those two years. Hehe. Then as I proceeded into 3rd year, it finally occurred to me. Perhaps the true context of the this 'intuition' that is frequently said is a deep understanding of a certain topic that it became second nature to us. In other words, it is that instinctive way of reasoning borne by deep understanding about something. Guess my shot in dark was not too far off, eh?  So there it ...

A found essay on Wilde's quote

Here is brief essay on Wilde's quote that I recently stumbled upon. As of late, I am not in a very good place. I am still pretty crushed with what happened a couple of weeks ago. Haish...  Anyways, hope you'll find this interesting.  "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."(Oscar wilde) Nowadays people kill themselves to eke out a living, improve their living conditions or keep their high standard of living, but they forget to live. A Scottish proverb says; "be happy while you're living, for you're a long time dead." In fact, people don't live, but they survive each day, for they are too busy, too tired, too stressed and too worried to really enjoy the pleasures of life. Everyone says; "time flies." Thus, hours become days and days become years and years become a wasted precious life, and what for? Of course, for a better living. It's believed that to be successful in life and improve ...

What's in my typical bag to uni?

  Here are the things that I usually carry with me every day to uni: MacBook Air 11" (credits to Lin, a lady in Kelana Jaya who sold her Air to me last summer. This laptop is strictly for work purposes as it's fitted with only 64Gb of flash drive) a couple of cables and a USB adapter- in case my i5 runs out of juice, but that rarely happens USB drive big enough to load my whole work folder- just in case I needed work done in places where WIFI is off limits lots of A4 papers- blank papers work best for me since I mostly work with diagrams and equations. black, blue and red pens, one of each drinking water (I really can't leave the house without one these days) beanie- in case of light rain along the way. gloves (my hands tend to get cold easily) As you can already see, my bag's content is pretty basic. I don't really carry too much with me when I'm working since I found it counter-productive. *This segment is inspired by the 'What's in Yo...

Kids, don't ever be like me, a disappointment

Last week, my uni results was out, and frankly it was not so good.  I was utterly gutted the moment I found my candidate number buried among the many of them. If last year's experience taught me anything, it is for me be prepared for the unexpected to happen, and that is exactly why I am so shaken as the result day arrived. Some part of me wished that this time around, things are going to be different. Perhaps time around, all of my hardwork will finally be paid off, all those times spent worrying, being indulged in nothing but work.  I am devastated right now.  Last year, I did poorly in my essay subject, Macro but excelled in Micro, which is more Maths-based. As such, I thought to myself, that maybe this year I would have the upper hand should I go with Maths-based subjects such as game theory. And I could not have been so wrong. The table has finally turned, leaving me numb, speechless.  My results merely affir...

What lecturers & tutors expect from a 3rd Year Econs student

You are expected to do the readings That long reading list that your lecturer uploaded at the beginning of the year is no joke, he/she expects   you to go through them! Some lecturers may even be helpful enough as to categorise the readings: core reading, supplementary, empirical. Have a separate Readings folder for every topic, and read them according to the order of importance to save time. Before you begin reading, make sure you understand what exactly that you are looking for; is it just the main findings that you are supposed to know (argumentative), or are we analyzing the authors' methodologies (empirical methods discussion)? Doing so would make the task more objective, helps to shape your expectations, hence making the text more comprehensible and digestible. Basic economic knowledge is assumed From the first lecture, you are expected to know all the basics: proving the concavity of the utility function, solving a Lagrange optimization operation, implicatio...