Hakim's question; middle-income trap
I was just having my morning tea before Hakim asked me,'apa nak jadi dengan negara kita nie Fie?' I know that I am hours away from boarding the flight that is home bound, but funnily enough, I was entirely caught of guard by such a serious question. Silently I though to myself, this is definitely not the right time to do this. Of course I do have my own views, if you know me well enough, you'd know by now that I make it an exercise for me to come up with an opinion on issues, old habits I guess. Well anyway, just to answer Hakim's questions, two major issues were pointed out, the rise of the younger generation leaders in our country, as well as the issues pertaining to the rise of the middle class. But after giving it much thought the moment I got back in KL, it suddenly occurred to me that these two are actually inter-related. They were both borne out of the same thing, given that I am thinking of growth as following a timeline. They are both sym...