
Showing posts from May, 2013

Book review: Manuscript Found in Accra by Paulo Coelho

Last year I read Aleph by Paulo Coelho the day I finished my exams, this year he published yet another book, the Manuscript Found in Accra. Being a big fan of his books, surely I did not want to miss this chance of having finished my exams so early in May to read this new book of his. Unfortunately to my surprise, this new book of his is way shorter than his previous books for some strange reason; it was only 111 pages when I read it on my iPad. But I reckon it was meant to be as short as it is not much a novel given its narrative style.   There was not much story woven into it, the book in its entirety is about the words of a Greek guy, known as the Copt to the people of Jerusalem during their last days before the holy city was invaded by the French army in the name of the Pope in the month of July in 1099. He told the people of Jerusalem who began to crowd him where he stood, “I am a learned man, and yet, despite having spent all these years restoring antiquities, c...

2nd Year Subjects

Like I promised the other day, I am here to write about my 2 nd year experience. First, let us start with the academics. Back in September, I had quite a struggle deciding what modules to take. My first choices were MSIN7003: Organisational Change and ECON7006: Economics of Regulation, but because MSIN7003’s lectures clashes with my Macro lectures, I had to let it go. Then after a few days of looking and asking here and there, I finally decided to go with ECON7010: Economics of Development and up to this day, I am glad that I did.        ECON7006 This is where I learnt about how to regulate a monopoly business, because the stylized fact is that a monopoly does not act in the best interest of the public, or as we economists like to say it, monopolies are bad for social welfare. I was exposed to the ways how the regulators here in the UK, namely OFWAT, OFGEM, CAA come up with a practical framework in order to make these monopolies work for the betterment of the ...

Exam baby

Forgive me for such a long absence, I've been meaning to write for a while now, unfortunately I did not manage to find the right time to do so. My exams are already underway since the past couple of weeks, in fact I have only one more paper left for tomorrow, my economics of regulation. Fear not, I have done my fair share of revising for it, it is painstakingly scary since I personally view this to be my most dreaded subject this year. The subject is interesting since it involves a lot of real-world examples, but that is also why it is scary, more on that later. Last week alone I had three exams, one on Tuesday while the other two were back to back on Thursday and Friday. As soon as I got back home from doing my macro on that Thursday, I decided to go through my micro for tomorrow over some coffee, when all of a sudden my mom sent me this: I have a new cousin!  This surely was unexpected, but for some strange reason it managed to carve a smile on my face, at a time whe...