Book review: Manuscript Found in Accra by Paulo Coelho
Last year I read Aleph by Paulo Coelho the day I finished my exams, this year he published yet another book, the Manuscript Found in Accra. Being a big fan of his books, surely I did not want to miss this chance of having finished my exams so early in May to read this new book of his. Unfortunately to my surprise, this new book of his is way shorter than his previous books for some strange reason; it was only 111 pages when I read it on my iPad. But I reckon it was meant to be as short as it is not much a novel given its narrative style. There was not much story woven into it, the book in its entirety is about the words of a Greek guy, known as the Copt to the people of Jerusalem during their last days before the holy city was invaded by the French army in the name of the Pope in the month of July in 1099. He told the people of Jerusalem who began to crowd him where he stood, “I am a learned man, and yet, despite having spent all these years restoring antiquities, c...